Friends Organizations

Below is a list of Friends Organizations of interest.

American Friends Service Committee (AFSC), is a worldwide service organization founded and supported by Friends.

Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL), is a Quaker lobby group in Washington, D.C. The FCNL provides information in support of issues such as religious liberty, Native American self-determination and treaty rights, documentation of defence expenditures, and many other subjects that have been idenified as priorities by Monthly Meetings and individual Friends that support the work of the FCNL. 

Friends General Conference, an association of 14 regional yearly meetings, regional groups and individuals meetings primarily in the United States and Canada founded in 1900. Our meeting is affiliated with FGC through our affiliation with Piedmont Friends Fellowship.

Genealogical information can be researched at

GI Rights Hotline: The hotline assists servicepeople who are seeking discharge and want to know their rights and other factual informaiton regarding termination of military service. The GI Rights hotline number is (877) 447-4487. compiles diverse resources about the Religious Society of Friends. also compiles information about Quakers including recent news articles.

Quaker House, this Fayetteville-based non-profit offers Friends witness regarding military service and recruitment. Draft counceling services, including the GI Rights Hotline are available for those who are conscienciously opposed to military service. Quaker House is supported by Raleigh Friends Meeting.   Their e-mail address is quakerhse@aol.com

Find a Meeting provides links or contact information for international yearly meetings and individual meetings., and is a handy way to search for U.S. Quaker meetings by city. provides information about how to locate Quaker meetings and their differences.

If you were unsuccessful locating a Friends Meeting in, the excellent article at may help.

Children and Youth Resources

Quaker Camps lists Quaker-based summer camps throughout the nation.

Quaker schools is Wikipedia's list of Friends School.


Ohio Valley Yearly Meeting & 2019 Revision Committee Edition of Faith & Practice